Reservation request

1How many people are you?

Tell us how many people will come , firstly age 14 and above, then children up to 14.

We will reserve places for the diners indicated here. The reservation will not be valid for a number of people that do not coincide with the reservation request


We only allow access to guide dogs accompanied by blind people or pets up to 8kg

If, in total you are more than 11 people, click on the tab “Groups”


Adults (over 14 years old):

Attention: Until 2 hours before the reservation time you can inform us of any change in the number of places by calling from 10 to 11 o’clock in the morning 935 803 632 or 936 929 723.
Later than 2 hours we cannot make any changes to the reservation and only the places reserved will be available.
Before the day, you can also edit your reservation using the same section of our web page.
IMPORTANT: Es cobraran 12€ per cada comensal que no assisteixi al dinar.

Children up to 14 years old without a push chair:

Children in prams or push chairs
(unfortunately we only have room for one push chair per table).
The child will use the push chair instead of as seat or high chair.:

Reduced mobility:

We accept pets inside the restaurant up to 8Kg.

2What day would you like to come?

Mark the date .

Be sure to give the correct date changing month, if necessary, with the arrows on the top part of the calendar

Remember that, excluding some holidays, the restaurant is closed on mondays and tuesdays.

If there is an unavailable day it could be because there are no tables free.

3At what time?

Remember : The times shown are only when we have found tables available for the number of people on your reservation request.



4Do you want to choose the dishes? (opcional)

If you wish you can choose the dishes you will order so you are able to estimate the price.

This selection does not oblige you in any way. .

Until the day before the reservation you can change your selection online. Once in the restaurant you can also alter or cancel an order by informing the waiter, we will only charge for the dishes and drinks served.

Do you want calçots? How many servings?

This data will allow us to have everything ready to serve you faster

You can choose different set menus or dishes from the main menu but, you cannot mix set menus and dishes from the main menu.

5Give contact information

* Compulsory fields

6Send request

Reservation summary:

Date: - | Time: -
Adults: - | Children: - | Push chairs / prams: -
Order: Without dishes ( €)
Remember : The reservation IS NOT CONFIRMED until a text message is received on the Mobile phone number given.:
There are errors in this form. Check the information, please
(comp) bacalla a la llauna 8.50
(comp)caracoles a la llauna 8.50
(comp)chuletón de ternera 9.50
(comp)dorada a la brasa 8.50
(comp)espalda de cordero 10.40
(comp)lubina a la brasa 8.50
(comp)pies de cerdo a la brasa 4.00
1/2 ballantines * c/h 1.40
103 etiq.negra carajillo 2.20
103 etiqueta blanca copa 3.60
103 etiqueta negra copa 3.60
Aceitunas rellenas lata gr 2.25
Aceitunas rellenas peque 2.10
Aceitunas verdes 1.60
Acuenta ********efectivo 1.20
Agua envase de plastico 1.20
Agua mineral sin gas 1/2 2.60
Almendras saladas 2.85
Amanida amb formatge tendre 10.80
Amanida amb tomaquet,ceva i tonyina 11.20
Amanida catalana amb embotits 10.90
Amanida escarola tebia amb formatge de cabra 10.90
Green salad Ensalda verde 8.75
Amanida verda amb tonyina 9.75
Anaxoves de l´escala 11.60
Anis del mono * c/h 3.50
Anis del mono carajillo 2.20
Anis del mono copa 2.40
Anis del mono trifasico 1.95
Aquarius l. (t) 2.90
Aromas de montserrat copa 4.75
Articulo de baja***************** 8.65
Articulo de baja***************** 6.40
Atención avisar a josep antes de entragar******** 0.05
Avellana * chupito 2.00
Avellana con hielo 4.25
Baileys carajillo 2.50
Baileys con hielo 5.95
Baileys copa 4.75
Baileys trifasico 1.95
Ballantines * 1/2 con hie 7.10
Ballantines * c/h 6.40
Ballantines * carajillo 2.75
Ballantines * chupito 3.00
Ballantines * con hielo 6.40
Ballantines * copa 4.75
Ballantines copa 4.75
Ballantines cubalibre 8.00
Bitter kas 2.75
Bolsa patatas 2.10
Boquerons 6.40
Botella de brizar 27.75
Botella de orujo normal 35.90
Botella de wodka 36.25
Botella pacharan 34.20
Bull (negro/blanco) ració 5.50
Cacaolat 2.90
Cafe 1landes 6.00
Cafe americano 1.65
Cafe con hielo 1.70
Cafe con leche 1.80
Cafe con nata 3.85
Cafe descafeinado 1.60
Cafe descafeinado maquina 1.60
Cafe doble 1.90
Cafe escoces 3.90
Cafe solo 1.60
Calisay * c/h 4.90
Calisay copa 4.75
Canalons casolans (3 peçes) 10.45
Cansalada ració 2.05
Cardenal mendoza copa 7.40
Cardhu - chupito 3.95
Cardhu * 1/2 con hielo 8.10
Cardhu * c/h 9.75
Cardhu * carajillo 3.50
Cardhu copa 7.40
Cargols a la llauna (brasa) 14.90
Cargols de la casa guisats 13.20
Carlos i copa 8.75
Carlos iii * c/h 4.90
Carlos iii carajillo 2.20
Carlos iii copa 3.60
Roast artichokes (season) Alcachofas a la brasa (temporada) 9.10
Catalana ració 5.50
Centro flores 30.20
Cerveza 2.75
Cerveza daura 2.75
Cerveza med estrella (t) 2.90
Cerveza sin alcohol 2.75
Chupito de bayleis 3.50
Chupito de estomacal 3.00
Chupito de grapa 3.00
Chupito de limoncelo 2.00
Chupito de marc de cava 3.50
Chupito de ratafia 2.50
Chupito de whiski j&b 3.00
Chupito moscoscaya 3.00
Chupitos varios de frutas 2.00
Coca-cola 2.75
Cointreau * c/h 4.90
Cointreau copa 4.75
Complemento calçots 0.50
Complemento cbtos. 5.80
Complemento cbtos. 9.20
Complemento de flores boda 3.70
Complementos 0.70
Conbinat croquetes pollastre i patates 6.75
Copa macallan-w 10.00
Cortado 1.70
Cortado descafeinado 1.70
Cortado descafeinado maquina 1.70
Crema catalana con hielo 4.25
Croquetas de pollo y jamo 6.75
Cubalibre beefeater 8.00
Cubalibre coñac 8.00
Cubalibre de ron bacardi 8.00
Cubalibre de ron cacique 8.00
Cubalibre de seagrams 8.00
Cubalibre de seegrams 8.00
Cubalibre ginebra larios 8.00
Cubalibre puerto de indias 8.00
Cubalibre ron brugal 8.00
Cubalibre vodka 8.00
Cubalibre vodka c/naranja 8.00
Cubalibre whisqui 8.00
Cutty sark * 1/2 con hiel 3.50
Cutty sark * carajillo 2.75
Cutty sark * chupito 3.00
Cutty sark * con hielo 6.40
Cutty sark * copa 2.55
Damm lemon 2.75
Duque de alba copa 8.90
Entremès d´embotits 12.50
Escalivada casolana 8.90
Escopiñes ..35 /45 p 9.75
Escorces bolsa 3.40
Espàrrecs bladers a la brasa 8.75
Esparrecs blancs amb mayonesa 8.95
Esqueixada de bacallà 12.75
Estomacal * c/h 4.90
Estomacal bonet copa 4.75
Etiqueta negra 103 * c/h 3.50
Factura a cuenta grupos 1.00
Faria 1.45
Fontenac copa 5.50
Four roses * 1/2 con hiel 7.10
Four roses * c/h 8.90
Four roses * carajillo 2.75
Four roses * chupito 4.00
Four roses * con hielo 8.90
Four roses * copa 4.75
Four roses * trifasico 2.00
Four roses copa 5.90
Gaseosa 2.50
Gaston lagrange 4.75
Ginebra * c/h 4.90
Ginebra carajillo 1.95
Roast mushrooms Setas a la brasa 10.40
Glen grant * chupito 2.05
Graellada de verdures a la brasa 10.85
J & b * 1/2 con hielo 5.50
J & b * c/h 6.40
J & b * carajillo 2.75
J & b * con hielo 6.40
J & b * trifasico 2.75
J & b copa 4.75
J & b cubalibre 8.00
Jack daniels * 1/2 con hi 7.10
Jack daniels * carajillo 2.80
Jack daniels * chupito 4.00
Jack daniels * con hielo 8.90
Jack daniels * copa 5.90
Jack daniels cubalibre 9.00
Knockando 1/2 8.50
Knockando c/h 10.50
Knockando copa 7.50
Lata aquarius 2.76
Lata cerveza 2.50
Lata cocacola 2.50
Lata fanta de limon 2.50
Lata fanta de naranja 2.50
Licor 43 * c/h 4.90
Licor 43 copa 4.75
Limoncello con hielo 4.10
Macarrons casolans 8.75
Macarrons casolans 1/2 ració 4.25
Maccallan chupito 7.25
Maccallan con hielo 17.50
Magno * c/h 4.50
Magno carajillo 2.20
Magno copa 3.60
Magno trifasico 1.95
Maionesa ració 1.75
Manzana * chupito 2.00
Manzana con hielo 4.25
Manzanilla 1.60
Maria brizard * c/h 4.90
Maria brizard carajillo 2.20
Maria brizard copa 3.60
Maria brizard trifasico 1.95
Mascaro carajillo 2.50
Mascaro copa 5.50
Meló amb pernil 10.10
Melocoton * chupito 2.00
Melocoton con hielo 4.25
Menta * c/h 4.90
Menta copa 3.60
Menta poleo 1.75
Montecristo * 4 9.20
Musclos en escabetx 5.75
Nestea 2.75
Nestea (t) 2.90
No entregar esta mesa preguntar a josep 0.05
Orujo carajillo 1.95
Orujo con hielo 4.25
Orujo copa 3.60
Pacharan * c/h 4.50
Pacharan carajillo 1.95
Pacharan copa 3.60
Pacharan trifasico 1.95
Paga y señal 16.50
Pagos a cuenta 0.05
Pagos a cuenta***** transferencia 1.20
Pagos a cuenta********visa-web 1.00
Pagos a cuenta*****datafono 1.20
Pan sin tostar 1.00
Pan tostado para celiacos 2.95
Passport * 1/2 con hielo 5.10
Passport * carajillo 2.75
Passport * chupito 3.00
Passport * con hielo 6.00
Passport * copa 4.75
Passport scotch * c/h 6.40
Passport scotch copa 4.75
Patatas all i oli 4.70
Patatas chips 2.25
Pernil ibèric d´glá 19.75
Pinya amb pernil serra 10.10
Pollastre arrebossat 4.75
Ponche * c/h 4.50
Ponche carajillo 1.95
Ponche copa 3.60
Ponche trifasico 1.95
Porron p de mistela 2.00
Ració calçots 12 peçes aprox 16.50
Ratafia * c/h 4.90
Ratafia copa 3.60
Refrescos (t) 2.80
Romesco ració 1.40
Ron blanco con hielo 4.90
Ron pujol * c/h 4.90
Ron pujol carajillo 2.20
Ron pujol copa 3.60
Ron pujol trifasico 1.95
Rosli grande 1.15
Rosli pequeño 0.60
Rovelló a la brasa (temporada) 14.50
Servicio de tarta 0.90
Soberano carajillo 2.00
Soberano copa 2.40
Soberano trifasico 1.85
Sopa casolana amb galets 10.10
Surtit de patés (3 varietats) 10.50
Te 1.75
Te con leche 1.75
Te con limon 1.75
Terry 1900 carajillo 1.95
Terry 1900 copa 3.60
Tila 1.75
Tinto de verano 2.50
Tonica 2.75
Toasted Bread with Escalivada, Anchovies and Tuna Pan Tostado con Escalivada, Anchoas y Atún 9.75
Torrada amb escalivada, anxoves i tonyina 10.20
Torres 10 carajillo 2.50
Torres 10 con hielo 4.50
Torres 10 copa 5.50
Torres 10 trifasico 1.95
Torres 5 carajillo 2.20
Torres 5 con hielo 4.20
Torres 5 copa 3.60
Torres 5 trifasico 1.95
Vaso de leche 1.25
Vermut b/n (t) 4.75
Vermut blanco 4.25
Vermut negro 4.25
Veterano carajillo 2.00
Veterano copa 2.40
Veterano trifasico 1.85
Vichi catalá 1/2 2.85
Vino de la casa copa 2.25
Vodka copa 3.60
Volet shitake 10.40
Voll damm (t) 3.00
Voll-dam 2.75
William lawsons - chupito 3.00
Williams lausons carajill 2.10
Williams lausons trifasic 1.95
Wisky maccallan 1/2 13.00
Homemade Xatonada with anchovies and tuna Xatonada casera 11.10
Zumo de melocoton 2.25
Zumo de piña 2.25
Botifarra a la brasa casolana 7.15
Botifarra negra a la brasa casolana 7.15
Conill a la brasa (1/2 peça, 500gr) 10.70
Costella de vedella a la brasa (chuletón 600 gr ) 27.60
Costella de xai a la brasa (unitat) 5.20
Costellar de porc ibèric a la brasa (450gr) 11.40
Espalda de cordero a la brasa (950 g) 24.10
Galta de porc a la brasa (unitat) 6.45
Peus de porc a la brasa (unitat) 3.80
Pollastre a la brasa (1/2 peça) 8.20
Secret de porc a la brasa ibèric (250gr) 16.20
Veal with mushrooms Ternera con setas 12.40
Xai a la brasa (3 peçes) 15.40
Bacallà a la llauna amb muselina all i oli (brasa) 15.40
Llobarro a la brasa (600g) 16.30
Moixarra a la brasa (600g) 16.30
Sheep's Cheese Queso de oveja 9.75
Formatge d´ovella 1/2 ració 6.40
Llonganissa cular 6.90
Llonganissa cular 1/2 ració 4.50
Mongetas del ganxet amb cansalada 1/2 ració 5.40
Mongetes del ganxet 1/2 ració 4.40
Patates al caliu 1/2 ració 2.90
Patates fregides 1/2 ració 3.80
Pernil ibèric d´gla 1/2 ració 12.90
Pernil serrà gr (duroc) 8.90
Pernil serrà gr (duroc) 1/2 ració 5.80
Xoriço cular 6.10
Xoriço cular 1/2 ració 4.10
All i oli (ració) 1.55
Mongetes del ganxet 6.75
Mongetes del ganxet amb cansalada 8.25
Pa de pagès torrat amb tomàquet 1.60
Toast bread Pan tostado 1.35
Patates al caliu 4.50
Fried Potatoes Patatas fritas 5.45
Copa de vi (eternium-cabernet) penedés 3.75
Eternium (chardonnay barrica) penedès blanc 14.75
Jose pariente (verdejo) rueda 18.50
Maius assemblage (priorat) 19.50
Mar de frades (alvariño) rias baixas 29.00
Marques de caceres bot. 1/2 ( rioja negre) 8.50
Marques de caceres rioja crianza tinto 18.50
Marques de riscal (rioja) reserva 22.10
Matarromera (valbuena de duero) tempranillo 31.00
Pinna fidelis rivera del duero crianza tinto 18.75
Raimat abadia cabernet sauvignon negre 15.60
Ramon bilbao 1/2 pequeño 10.50
Ramon bilbao bot 1/2 negre 8.90
Ramon bilbao rioja criança 15.75
Roca blanca (montsant negre) crianza 15.40
Eternium cabernet sauvignon penedés (rosado) 15.65
Porró de vi de la casa 3/4 8.90
Porró de vi de la casa 1/2 6.75
Sangria de cava 15.50
Sangria gran 1l 11.50
Sangria mitjana 1/2 l 9.50
Cava angel cupatge 21.00
Cava benjamin codorniu 8.50
Cava brut reserva de la casa 12.50
Cava juve & camps (reserva familia 22.50
Jaume serra (brut nature) 9.75
Music (fruits secs) 7.10
Pinya amb crema cremada 5.95
Zumo de naranja 4.25
Crema catalana amb nata 5.10
Crema catalana casolana 5.10
Flam casolà 3.95
Flam casolà amb nata 4.95
natural fruit Frita natural 4.50
Maduixots amb moscatell 5.10
Maduixots amb nata 5.75
Maduixots amb suc de taronja 5.10
Mel i mató casolà 5.90
Meló fruita natural 3.95
Naranja-manzana fruta 3.25
Nata amb nous 5.90
Pasís massini individual 5.05
Pastís celebració (10-12 racions) 37.80
Pastís celebració (6-8 racions) 23.75
Pastis de frmatge casolà 6.25
Pastís sacher 4.75
Pijama casolà 6.40
Pinya almibar 4.10
Pinya almibar amb nata 5.25
Pinya fruita natural 3.95
Precec almibar 4.10
Presec almibar amb nata 4.00
Ració de nata 3.40
Racion de fresas 4.95
Trufas amb nata 5 unitats 5.95
Trufes gelades (6 unitats) 5.10
Almond ice-cream Almendrado 2.50
Iced Coco Coco helado 5.25
Vainilla and chocolate cornetto Corneto vainilla i chocolate 2.50
Crunchy ice-cream Crocanti 5.25
Crocanti with Cointreau Crocanti con cointreau 6.25
Crunchy ice-cream with cream Crocanti con nata 5.85
Vainilla ice cream Helado de vainilla 4.25
Iced lemon Limon helado 5.25
Lemon sorbet Sorbete de limon 4.60
Lemon sorbet with "Marc cava" Sorbete limon c/Marc cava 6.60
Whiskey cake Tarta al Whisqui 6.10
Whiskey cake with cream Tarta al Whisqui c/nata 6.20
Trufas (6 unidades) 4.90
Trufas (6 unidades) con nata 5.95
Valenciano (Orange juice with ice cream) Valenciano 5.90
IVA incl.
-1 people in total.

you must fill in the form for Groups or reduce the number of diners.

If you wish to go to the Groups form click on “Group reservations”. If you wish to reduce the number of diners click on “change”
Do you need help?

By filling in and sending this form you are making a formal reservation in the restaurant, for a specific date and time .

This is not a contact form for inquires. If you have a query or wish to make a suggestion click on the overlap "Any questions?", on the left bar.

The Reservation has been CONFIRMED. .

We have sent a confirmation text message to the mobile phone number you’ve given.

You can cancel or change the dates of your reservation using the RESERVAS section of our web page, giving your mobile telephone number and the password given in the text message.

We ask you to inform us of any alterations to the reservation, especially if it’s a cancellation.

The reservation has been EDITED .

We have sent a text message to the mobile telephone number you have given.

You can cancel or change the information on your reservation using the RESERVATIONS section of our web page, giving your mobile phone number and the password found in the text message.

We ask you to inform us of any changes in the reservation, especially if it’s a cancellation.

RESERVATION up to {coberts} PEOPLE

After making the request will receive an SMS (and email if you have provided an address) confirming to the reserve. Retains the message, especially the number (ID) that identifies the reservation.

With your mobile number and reservation number, you can modify or cancel the reservation from this page up to 1 day before the celebration
(We do not guarantee extensions)


    The reservation process for groups is as follows:
  • 1. You must complete and submit this form.
  • 2. After evaluating the diponibilidad tables, the restaurant will send you (by email) confirmation with instructions to make a payment by credit card (advance payment will be deducted from the amount of the drinks).
  • 3. After payment, your reservation is already effective, and we guarantee that the space Handy amenities hass requested.

The money back of the deposit for cancellation of the reservation It will be valid until 2 days before the celebration.
For reservations made in advance you need to confirm the places 3 days before the celebration.

Keep in mind that this form is not a reservation but a request for reservation is not valid until the cofirmación is received and make the payment The reservation will be effective after it has been paid the deposit.

If you want to cancel or change your reservation more than {coberts} places, you will have to contact us via contact form

This mail is simply an request.
Once sent the email, wait confirmation by the restaurant.

Until it is confirmed, the reservation will continue as originally requested